Our Story

Denver’s burger dive with a tale to tell…
We all have that crazy aunt or cousin. She’s notoriously late, and she always shows up with a wild story to tell — a story that might not be entirely true, but one that’s completely entertaining. It’s a bit like the Cherry Cricket’s story.
No one really knows where the name Cherry Cricket came from, and we like it that way. We do know that the Duffy’s addition to our nostalgic sign came from Bernard Duffy when he owned the bar in the 1960’s. It was during that time that Cricket became one of Denver’s first sports bars and gained a reputation as the black sheep of Cherry Creek. Like your crazy aunt, we might have been a little rough around the edges back then, but we meant no harm. We just wanted to fill your belly with the city’s favorite burgers and Colorado craft beer.
Here at this modest brick and mortar building on 2nd Ave, we’ve been slinging burgers, brews and good times since 1945. Plenty has changed around the neighborhood, but very little has changed inside the neighborhood’s favorite bar, even after our 2016 fire. The Cricket is a place where a delicious burger, a cold beer, and good friends will always be waiting. No matter how much things change around us, that never will.
And soon there will be a new chapter in our story…but more to come on that later. For now, come say hi, grub on your favorite burger and don’t forget to bring a friend. Everyone is a friend of the Cricket!


our history
The original Cherry Cricket opens, aptly named Mary Zimmerman’s Bar, since Mary Zimmerman was the founder and the bar was also her home.


our history
This Way to The Cricket
Lloyd Page buys the restaurant, changes the name to Cherry Cricket — although no one knows why – and has Denver’s own Gordon Signs build the marquee that’s still the beacon for award-winning burgers.


our history
Shakes & The Spins
Bernard Duffy assumes ownership and soon adds the famous rotating “Duffy’s” sign. You could dine on the prime rib lunch buffet for $2.50, and many, many people did just that.


our history
A Black Sheep is Born
Duffy retires and ownership details get a little sketchy. So does The Cricket’s reputation. But every journey has its darker moments.


our history
Cricket Renaissance
Eli McGuire breathes new life into the Cherry Cricket as the next proprietor. Her dream? Make the Cherry Cricket “the best damn bar around.” Proof that dreams can come true.


our history
Hickenlooper Effect
Eli gives ownership to Wynkoop, the company established by Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper and co-founder of Denver’s first brewpub, now among the largest brewpubs in the world.


our history
Food Channel Fame
Aaron Sanchez experiences the Cricket, tells Food Channel viewers that his burger was “the best thing I ever ate.”


our history
Burger Joint Infamy
Travel Channel’s Man vs. Food showcases the Cricket as “one of the best burger joints in America.”


our history
Fring The Alarm
Smoked up the ‘hood. Kitchen fire the night before Thanksgiving, closed for 5 months.


our history
The Cricket Comeback
In April, the Cherry Cricket reopens after the fire, everything looks the same, guests can’t even tell there was ever a fire. Still the same old “black sheep of Cherry Creek.”


our history
Ballpark Burgers in 2018
We’re still slinging burgers, serving the best local beer, creating memories, and “smoke up the hood,” but in a good way.